Meet Dr. Suzanne
Hi! I’m Dr. Suzanne, a woman who knows how to help women. I am not a one trick pony, with a one size fits all approach. What I do is not my job, it’s my life. This isn’t because I don’t have balance, but rather because I have a purpose. I live a purposeful, intentional life. I practice what I preach, #zerohypocrisy.
I don’t just care about your symptoms, or want to figure out which tests are the best to run, I want to know about you! You, who has to wake up each and every day in your body and run your life. You, who has to deal with your challenges. You, who wants to feel good and have energy to accomplish your dreams, but is struggling to make progress. You, who is so confused about the next step to take in order to truly heal and be healthy.
I am here to help YOU!
Each woman is on her own journey with her own struggles. I will meet you where you are at right now. The goal is transformation. Transformation from a life limited by health issues to the limitless, unabridged version of you…living the life you always dreamed.
Right now, there is probably a part of you that believes this is possible, and a part of you that doesn’t. After all, you’ve tried before and things haven’t worked out. Love that scared and defeated part of you, and choose to break this stronghold once and for all. I see transformation everyday and know for a fact that it’s not only possible, but very doable.
You deserve to be the healthiest version of yourself!
I believe in you and know we can do this together!